banner ad

How to Add 125×125 Banner Ads to Your Sidebar

| November 22, 2010 | 0 Comments

Many people like to display 125×125 banner ads in their sidebar. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to add them to your own site.

Step 1 – Upload a Generic 125×125 Banner

The image to the right is already located in the /images folder found in your theme folder, so you can use that if you like. The file name is banner125.gif.

Alternatively, you can use your own generic 125×125 banner; just be sure to name it banner125.gif and upload it to the /images/ folder within your theme folder (or change the file name used below to reflect the name of your own file).

Step 2 – Create a New Text Widget in Your Sidebar or Footer for the Banner Ads

Add a new text widget to your sidebar or footer, give it a title if you like. Then copy and paste the following code into the widget box:

banner ad

banner ad

banner ad

banner ad

Note 1: In the above code, you’ll need to change to your own site domain name.

Note 2: In the img src code above, you may need to change the /wp-elegance-dev/ part to reflect the actual name of your theme folder.

For WP-Davinci Basic version, the img src would be:
banner ad

For WP-Davinci Premium version, the img src would be:
banner ad

For WP-Davinci Developer version, the img src would be:
banner ad

Step 3 – Replace the Generic Banners and Links With Real Ads

All you need to do is upload your own 125×125 banner image(s) to the /images folder, and change the code above to reflect that.

For example, if you upload a new banner called ad125.gif, and you want to link that banner to, you would simply change the code to this:

banner ad

And that’s it. The Stylesheet is already set up to display the ads correctly.

Category: Tutorials

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