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How to Set Up Featured Pages and the Alternate Home Page Template

| October 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

In this tutorial, I show you the exact steps that will transform your WordPress home page into a business home page rather than a blog home page. You can see the end result on the WP-Elegance theme demo home page.


The following instructions for setting up the Featured Pages slider assume that you have the “Get the Image” plugin installed and activated, and that the TimThumb script on your site is working properly. You can check this by confirming that post thumbnails appear on the home page. To have an image associated with the pages and posts to be featured, be sure to upload one using the “Add Media” method. Here’s how to set up the Featured Pages slider:

1. Create the pages and posts you would like to feature (you are able to show both)

2. Make a note of the page/post ID for each (e.g., …/post.php?post=123&action=edit)

  • One way of doing this is to hover over the title and look at the URL in the status bar
  • Another way is to click the title or “Edit” so you may see the number in the address bar

3. Go to the theme settings page, and click the “Featured Pages” tab

4. Select “Yes” to add the Featured Pages slider to the home page

  • If you’d like to have it show on a page or post, you will need to select “Yes” in the “Solostream Page Options” or “Solostream Post Options” box when on the write/edit page

5. Enter the pages/posts you would like featured in the slider by ID, using a comma to separate them (e.g., 123,456,789)

  • IMPORTANT: If you have set a page to be the Posts page, DO NOT include its page ID here

6. Click “Save Changes”

Category: Tutorials

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